18 Novembre 2020Event

Contributions of GI to sustainable healthy diets

 09.00 am

FAO-oriGIn Series of Webinars on “Contributing to SDGs through quality linked to geographical origin”

FAO and the organization for an international GI network – oriGIn- are organizing with experts and practitioners thematic discussions to address key aspects on how GI can maximize their contribution to sustainability.

The key objectives of the webinars are:

  1. Raise awareness among GI agricultural associations and value chain actors on promoting sustainability.
  2. Promote the exchange of sustainability best practices undertaken by individual GI value chains and/or by economic sectors at the national/regional level, so to promote dialogue and convergence.
  3. Identify technical assistance needs, in particular in developing countries, and raise funds for relevant projects.
  4. Develop tailored recommendations for public and private stakeholders, and in particular for the implementation of the FAO-oriGIn sustainable strategy for geographical indication (SSGIs).

The fourth webinar of the series is “Contributions of GI to sustainable healthy diets” (in English and French), in collaboration with oriGIn-France.

To request the registration, please contact Ms. Ida Puzone,ida@origin-gi.com

For more information, you can also contact Ms. Emilie Vandecandelaere (FAO), Emilie.vandecandelere@fao.org

Events to come

Origin for Sustainability | International Conference 2024

 10.00 am
 University of Parma, ITALY