28 Ottobre 2019 - 29 Ottobre 2019 Event

Kick-off meeting of AGROSMARTglobal

 10.00 am
 Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN

The Interreg Sudoe project AGROSMARTglobal will be launched on October 28th and 29th in Santiago de Compostela.

Our network is involved in the project as an internal partner and will have a key role in the protection of Geographical Indications on the Internet! Laurent Gomez, Secretary General of AREPO, will participate in the 2nd round table “Competitive advantages for the marketing of agri-food cooperatives products: quality, differentiation and positioning” by presenting the role of the network in the defense of European quality schemes.

Events to come

2nd AREPO General Assembly 2024

 09.30 am
 Regional Council of Thessaly, Larissa, GREECE

Agrimax 2024

 10.00 am
 Parc Expos Metz, Grand Est, FRANCE
