On January 22nd, AREPO participated in the final conference of GLAMUR project on Local and Global Food Chains: the quest for sustainability.
GLAMUR is an EU FP7 project that aims at integrating advancement in scientific knowledge about the impact of food chains to practice, to increase food chains sustainability through public policies and private strategies.
The introductory workshop set the scene for the discussion, describing the project results and the policy recommendations. The project invites to overcome the idea of the dichotomy between local and global food as well as to challenge the assumptions that “local” is always more sustainable. Recognising the differences, but also the complementarities and synergies between global and local food chains, GLAMUR also highlights why making policy choices, preferences and/or investment decisions that improve food chain sustainability performance is such a complex area for public policy intervention.
In order to help avoid policy incoherence, GLAMUR project tested a multi-criteria sustainability assessment, extending sustainability dimensions beyond the economic, social and environmental to incorporate health, culture and ethical criteria.
AREPO Secretary-General participated in the afternoon round table Beyond Local and Global, turning Glamur messages into practice(s). In this session, several European stakeholders and representatives of European Institutions discussed the relevance of project’s results and the possibility to translate the multi-criteria sustainability assessment into practice.
For more information on the project consult GLAMUR webpage: http://glamur.eu/