19 August 2021 Actualités

Esquivel A., Will coffee be the new wine? The EU–Central American Association Agreement and the European shaping of GIs in Costa Rica, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Volume 16, Issue 4-5, April-May 2021, Pages 310–315

The EU free trade agreements have become the single most influential force shaping the Geographical Indication landscape today. While their critics may see GIs as an unwelcome ‘Trojan horse’ to be let in in exchange for access to the European market, this legal figure has the potential of becoming greatly beneficial for developing countries.
It looks in particular at Costa Rica before and after the signature of the EU–Central American Association Agreement of 2012. We examine the practicalities of its implementation on the ground and its impact on the local industry of cheese ‘generics’. It also explores its potential effect on the coffee industry and assess how a developing country of modest size like Costa Rica can embrace this foreign legal transplant and use it to its advantage.