18 January 2016 Actualités

Partner search Promotion Projects – Work Programme 2016

Following the decision taken during the last plenary meeting in November, AREPO created an instrument in our website to facilitate the exchange of information and the partner search for promotion projects.

This instrument is already available on the website in the new section “Partner search” and includes:

  1. questionnaire for applicant organisations willing to present a partner search and
  2. table with the list of partner searches.

The information provided by the organisations that will fill the survey (contacts, project proposal information and the characteristics of searched partners) will be published automatically in the table.

To increase the effectiveness of this tool, please spread this information and share the news on Facebook or LinkedIn.

The General-Secretariat and the Brussels Office remain at your disposal for any further information:Laurent Gomez, General-Secretary: secgen@arepoquality.eu; Tel: + 33 6 10 13 11 89Giulia Scaglioni, Policy Officer, Representation Office in Brussels: policyofficer@arepoquality.eu; Tel: +32 (0)2 743 30 09