
29 February 2024

The European Parliament approves the new GI and quality terms regulation

25 October 2023

PRESS RELEASE: AREPO Regions and Producers welcome the political deal on the revision of the EU Geographical Indications system

1 June 2023

The European Parliament approves by a large majority its position on the revision of EU GIs system

10 May 2023

VIDEO – 5th AREPO European event on quality and origin products in the framework of AGROSMARTglobal

25 April 2023

EP‘s AGRI Committee approves report on GIs Revision

6 April 2023

5th AREPO EU event on Quality and Origin Products in the framework of AGROSMARTglobal

5 December 2022

CoR Plenary approves by unanimity the opinion on the revision of EU GIs system

11 October 2022

Revision of EU GIs: the priorities set by De Castro MEP

7 October 2022

Evaluating Geographical Indications – Guide to tailor evaluation for the development and improvement of Geographical Indications

24 May 2022

NEW ON MOVING BLOG: The revision of the EU Geographical Indications system

29 April 2022

AREPO first General Assembly in 2022

1 March 2022

EU GIs stakeholders express their concerns on the upcoming GI policy reform

10 November 2021

GI reform: the sectors unite against the weakening of the GI system

21 June 2021

The use of EU Geographical Indications as ingredients

21 May 2021

Strength2Food final online conference

14 April 2021

Revision of EU Quality Policy: AREPO contribution to strengthen EU GIs system

23 March 2021

Strengthening Geographical Indications

23 March 2021

Evaluation support study on the geographical indications and traditional specialities guaranteed protected in the EU

30 November 2020

Strengthening Geographical Indications