
24 April 2024

Analysis of the implementation of the EU Optional Quality Term “mountain product”| MOVING

11 April 2024

Signing of the new GI Regulation: GIs and Mountain products take center stage in Brussels

25 March 2024

Mountains of opportunity: MOVING Scientific Conference

29 February 2024

The European Parliament approves the new GI and quality terms regulation

24 January 2024

Enhancing Mountain Products: Insights from the TOP-Value EU Interreg Project

25 October 2023

PRESS RELEASE: AREPO Regions and Producers welcome the political deal on the revision of the EU Geographical Indications system

27 June 2023

NEW ON MOVING BLOG: FAO publications towards sustainable GIs

30 May 2023

MOVING survey on the EU optional quality term “mountain product”

3 May 2023

MOVING mountain clusters

25 April 2023

EP‘s AGRI Committee approves report on GIs Revision

5 December 2022

CoR Plenary approves by unanimity the opinion on the revision of EU GIs system

21 October 2022

MOVING’s Steering Committee: partners met in Saignelégier

11 October 2022

Revision of EU GIs: the priorities set by De Castro MEP

7 October 2022

Evaluating Geographical Indications – Guide to tailor evaluation for the development and improvement of Geographical Indications

25 July 2022

MOVING Set of Policy Briefs: PDO chestnut flour and chestnut trees in the Renoso massif

29 April 2022

AREPO first General Assembly in 2022

9 March 2022

AREPO welcomes FEVAO as an associate member!

1 March 2022

EU GIs stakeholders express their concerns on the upcoming GI policy reform

10 November 2021

GI reform: the sectors unite against the weakening of the GI system