26 June 2012 Actualités

President Rabboni on the conclusion of the trilogue on quality systems

This is a very important achievement for the protection of European quality products: PDO, PGI and TSG that represent not only a significant economic element for agriculture in many EU countries but also constitute a unique heritage from a cultural, historical and environmental point of view. By protecting these products we protect the best of our agriculture, we defend our territories and our agricultural traditions.” This is how Tiberio Rabboni, President of the Association of European Regions for Products of Origin (AREPO), comments on the conclusion of the trilogue between The European Parliament, the Commission and the Council.

Among the key issues in the new regulation on quality, systems are, “the strengthening of the instruments to combat the scourge of piracy food, the ability to include area recognition marks of the territory of origin in the labels of PDO and IGP products, and the green light to the introduction of the optional term “mountain product” that will valorize the products of some of the most deprived areas of Europe.”

“AREPO has been working hard on these issues over the last year,” said Rabboni. “I just regret the deletion of the request concerning the management of production volumes of certified quality products and its insertion into the general discussion of Pac’s. We would like to obtain for all the Geographical Indications the equivalent of what was obtained in the milk package. Now we all must focus our efforts on this important goal, and more generally on all the tools in support of quality products of the future CAP. “