13 May 2020 Actualités

Facing Covid-19: the measures taken by the region of Pays de la Loire

The French region of Pays de la Loire has set up a € 69 million regional emergency plan against the Coronavirus, with the aim of offering measures that meet the needs of all companies in the region. This plan is based on 3 principles: simple access for companies; effective measures adapted to each situation and each size of company; and finally, maintaining unity with the State in the response by coordinating national and local measures.

Cash flow difficulties

a) The State-Region Solidarity Fund

The Solidarity Fund, set up by the State and the regions, aims to support very small enterprises (VSEs) affected by a loss of turnover. The Pays de la Loire Region has decided to top up the national Solidarity Fund by €25 million.

It is divided into two parts: the first is managed by the State and the second by the Region. Under this scheme, very small businesses (with up to 10 employees) and farmers who are members of a joint farming group (GAEC) with an annual turnover of less than €1 million are eligible for a grant of up to €1 500 (strand 1) and additional aid (strand 2) of between €2 000 and €5 000 (in addition to the aid granted under strand 1) depending on the company's turnover and cash flow requirements.

Further information: Fonds de solidarité national abondé par la Région : jusqu'à 5 000 € d'aides complémentaires pour les petites entreprises (FR)

b) Territorial Fund for Resilience  

All farmers who are not eligible for the State-Region Solidarity Fund, who have up to ten employees and whose turnover does not exceed €1 million excluding tax, will be able to apply to the Territorial Fund for Resilience, created by Pays de la Loire and the Banque des Territoires. This is a lump-sum repayable advance (from €3,500 to €10,000) with no bank counterpart required.

More information: https://www.resilience-paysdelaloire.fr/

Covid-19 | Projet De Fonds Territorial "Résilience" : Pour Venir En Aide Aux Petites Entreprises (FR) (29 april 2020)

c) Deferral of repayable advances granted by the Region

In addition, farmers will be able to benefit from the deferral of the repayable advances due for the next six months, approximately EUR 5 million.

d) "Pays de la Loire Redéploiement"

15 million is allocated to this scheme. It enables all SMEs and mid-sized companies in the region, as well as farmers, to take out a loan of €50 000 to €2 000 000 without any guarantee or additional costs.

Further information: Crise sanitaire : 69 M€ en 6 mesures pour les entreprises régionales (FR)

Platform approximité.fr

Finally, the Region, with the help of the Chamber of Agriculture of Pays de la Loire, has set up the approximité.fr platform, which intends to bring together the local food producers and consumers. The aim is both to provide a local outlet for producers and to satisfy consumer demand for seasonal and local products.

The Chamber of Agriculture has also set up a tool to measure the impacts of Covid-19 on agricultural businesses. More information : Covid-19 – Diagnostiquer Son Entreprise (FR)