19 May 2020 Actualités

Facing Covid-19: the measures taken by the region of Centre-Val de Loire

The French region of Centre-Val de Loire has mobilised a total of €46.7 million to support regional actors from various sectors and the daily lives of families confronted with the Coronavirus crisis. The following measures target all businesses in the Region, including those in the agricultural sector.

The State-Region Solidarity Fund for very small enterprises

The Region is contributing with €16.4 million to this fund, which is intended to support very small enterprises (VSEs) affected by a loss of turnover. It is divided into two strands: strand 1 is managed by the State and strand 2 by the Region. In this framework, very small enterprises (with up to 10 employees) and farmers who are members of a joint farming group (GAEC) with an annual turnover of less than €1 million are eligible for a grant of up to €1 500 (Strand 1) and additional aid (Strand 2) of between €2 000 and €5 000 (in addition to the aid granted under Strand 1) depending on the company’s turnover and cash-flow requirements.

More information: Covid-19 – Fonds de solidarité pour les TPE et indépendants (last update 15 May 2020) (FR)

Regional Fund Renaissance

This €12 million fund, to which the Banque des Territoires, the Region and the inter-municipal authorities contribute, aims to help the most fragile companies with fewer than 20 employees to get back on their feet by supplementing existing aid schemes. It consists of a repayable advance of 5,000 to 20,000 euros for a restart and financing plan.

Further information: Covid-19 – Fonds Renaissance (FR)

Collaborative Platform for Fresh and Local Products

Launched on March 30th 2020 in order to promote local consumption during this period of confinement, the collaborative platform Fresh and Local Products in Centre-Val de Loire, a system promoted by the Region and the State alongside the Regional Chamber of Agriculture and production structures, lists the various local production sites on an interactive map. This web tool enables real links between producers, craftsmen, distributors and consumers.

Other measures in favour of businesses

Farmers may also have access to the following means of safeguarding for businesses set up by the Region :

  • “CAP Rebound Loan”: this is a scheme aimed at supporting the cash flow of businesses experiencing economic difficulties due to a drop in activity or loss of turnover. In particular, it is endowed with €5.400.000, including €1.000.000 million from the Region;
  • Increasing of the ceiling of the regional guarantee fund to 80% with the BPI;
  • Call for projects Stop COVID 19 with a State-Region-BPI envelope of € 2.000.000;
  • Postponement by 6 months of the repayment deadlines corresponding to the advances made by the Region, i.e. a repayment deferral of €3 million in total.

More information: Mesures Covid-19 pour les entreprises du Centre-Val de Loire en temps réel (FR)

La Région mobilisée pour soutenir les entreprises (FR)

Platform for Personal Protective Equipment

To enable health establishments and companies to maintain or resume their activity while guaranteeing the safety of their employees, the Centre-Val de Loire Region and the economic development agency DEV’UP, have launched a regional platform to bring together local economic players. This tool serves to develop alternative regional production of personal protective equipment but also to revitalise the activity of certain companies.

More information: Une plateforme régionale pour développer la production d’équipements de protection individuelle en circuit court (FR)