AREPO’s first General Assembly in 2022, which took place on Thursday 28 April in Brussels. It was the occasion to present to AREPO’s member regions and partner organisations the progress and initial results of the Horizon 2020 MOVING project, which we have summarised below.
The AREPO team also took the opportunity of this GA to present the next activities of the project in which AREPO is involved and in particular the organisation of the 2nd webinar promoting MOVING and the EU MAP, which will be held in autumn 2022, and which will be dedicated to:
“European Quality schemes: the added value for mountain value chains”
This webinar will aim to:
- Present the MOVING project and publicise the EU-MAP (more information below);
- Provide an update of the new EU quality policy, according to the EC legislative proposals, and the implications to mountain value chains;
- Inform about the implementation and added value of the EU quality schemes and the implications for mountain value chains;
- Enhance the exchange, learn and interact at the EU level on heterogeneity and innovation in mountain value chains.s systèmes de qualité de l’UE et les implications pour les chaînes de valeur de montagne ;
- Améliorer l’échange, l’apprentissage et l’interaction au niveau de l’UE sur l’hétérogénéité et l’innovation des chaînes de valeur de montagne.
More information coming soon, stay tuned!
The MOVING project
As a reminder, MOVING is a four-year Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation project that started in September 2020 and involves 23 partners. The project is coordinated by the University of Córdoba, in Spain.
The overall objective of MOVING is to co-develop policy frameworks across Europe for the establishment of value chains that would contribute to the resilience and sustainability of mountain areas to climate change. To achieve this objective, MOVING has carried out an inventory of 400 value chains across Europe and selected 23 for analysis.
The project has also launched a bottom-up participatory process with value chain actors forming the Community of Practice (CoP).
The CoP is an essential element of the project. It consists of a Science-Society-Policy interface on a European scale to involve the different stakeholders around the resilience of mountain value chains to climate change.
The MOVING CoP has been translated into the form of multi-stakeholder platforms (MAPs):
- 23 regional multi-stakeholder platforms (regional MAPs): these will allow for the exchange of local knowledge between stakeholders in these regions. To find out more about the regional MAPs, click here.
- 1 European multi-stakeholder platform (EU MAP): it will provide a dedicated space for stakeholders interested in exchanging and learning about the resilience of mountain value chains to climate change at European level. Interested in joining the EU MAP? Find out more here.
AREPO will play a major role in evaluating the policy recommendations made by the project and in disseminating the project and its results.
MOVING is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 R&I programme. The contents of this article do not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. The responsibility for the information and opinions expressed in it lies entirely with the author(s).
Plus d'informations :
MOVING leaflet:
PPT presentation: