19 March 2014 Actualités

Horizon 2020 : the AREPO’s device

Following its general assembly on 20 February 2014 in Brussels, AREPO implements a device for cooperation between its members and partners in the context of participation in different areas of the European Innovation Policy 2020.

In Brussels, the Permanent Representative, Giulia Scaglioni is available for regions, producer organizations, partners and institutions. She collaborates with ERIAFF network led by Tuscany and Fabio Boscaleri.

Giulia Scaglioni, AREPO’s Policy officer, Bureau Emilie-Romagne, 21 Rue de Montoyer, 1000 Bruxelles
Mail : policyofficer@arepoquality.eu ; Telephone : +32 (0)2 743 30 09 ; Mobile : +32 (0)486 605 462

In the Administrative headquarters in Bordeaux, a specific mission is dedicated to this policy. AREPO’s members and partners can contact Anne Clermontelle. Anne Clermontelle prepares response to calls for proposals and participation in operational groups. She participates in the search for partners.
Anne Clermontelle, chargée de mission R&I à l’AREPO, 14, rue François de Sourdis, 33 077 Bordeaux
Mail : eu-projects@arepoquality.eu ; Téléphone fixe : +33 (0) 5 56 56 19 86 ; Mobile : +33 (0) 6 88 62 24 08
Photo: March 12, the regional federation of agricultural cooperatives of Catalonia received in Barcelona a delegation of the regional federation of agricultural cooperatives of Aquitaine. The delegates presented their organizations, in the presence of Aquitaine and Catalunya regions. Furthermore they discussed possibilities of cooperation.

AREPO stays at your disposal.