18 May 2015 Actualités

RUMRA, the EP Intergroup on Rural, Mountainous and Remote Areas

On March 12th 2015, the Intergroup on Rural, Mountainous and Remote Areas was officially launched. Its aim is to address the growing needs of those living in non-urbanised areas of Europe, which are often underrepresented in public dialogue. The intergroup has been initiated by Mrs Mercedes Bresso, Member of the European Parliament (MEP), the Chair of the Intergroup, and three grass-root organisations: Euromontana, Rurality – Environment – Development (R.E.D) and the Future of Rural Energy in Europe (FREE initiative). Nowadays, the intergroup is supported by a growing number of Members of the European Parliament and by a wide range of civil society movements. AREPO, through the European Countryside Movement (ECM), is one of the supporting partners.

From now on, you can find online information on RUMRA’s structure, members, news, events and updates by visiting its new website.

Guiding principles of RUMRA Intergrouphttp://www.rumra-intergroup.eu/read-guiding-principles-of-rumra-intergroup/

For more information, please visit RUMRA’s brand new website: http://www.rumra-intergroup.eu/