29 July 2015 Actualités

WORKSHOP: Agro-Food Supply Chain

On June 15th 2015, the Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation (ITL) held in Bologna a workshop dedicated to the presentation of the results of the pilot carried out under the project FUTUREMED. This business pilot, led by ITL, dealt with the optimisation of the agro-food perishable goods supply chain with particular attention to high quality products.

Several stakeholders of the agro-food supply chain of Emilia-Romagna Region attended the workshop, including some important horticultural enterprises, representatives of the regional Ministries of Agriculture and Transport, as well as representatives of transports and traders companies working in the horticulture sector.

The workshop represented an occasion to discuss the strategic role of logistics and transport in the Mediterranean area, with particular emphasis on the importance of entering new markets and strengthening the export traffic from the port of Ravenna. For this purpose, it is essential to promote cooperation between enterprises in Emilia-Romagna, to promote the aggregation of volumes of export products.

Finally, the pilot’s results have highlighted the real need to continue doing research at the European level in the sector of logistics and transportation for the food chain, to increase the competitiveness of this sector, encouraging the expansion into the main consumer markets in Central and Northern Europe, Middle East, Asia and America.

For more information on the pilot you can contact: Stefano Dondi: sdondi@regione.emilia-romagna.it and Iorfida Chiara: ciorfida@regione.emilia-romagna.it

FUTUREMED is developed under the MED Programme European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013. The Project aims to improve the competitiveness of port systems in the MED area by promoting accessibility through technology and procedural innovations and guaranteeing the sustainability of transport. The idea focuses on the realization of interoperable management information systems and on the reduction of externalities.