2 November 2016 Actualités

Training for Consortia of GIs producers in Veneto Region

On October 26th, AREPO participated in the training dedicated to Consortia of GIs producers of Veneto Region, held at the Benedictine Court of Legnaro (Padova).

Organized by Veneto Agriculture and Veneto Region, the event was one of the two meetings promoted by the Department of Agriculture of Veneto Region with the aim to address some of the strategic issues for Consortia’s activities, with the input from sectorial experts.

On behalf of Veneto Region, Giorgio TrentinDirector of the Unit on Quality, Know-how and Agrifood Innovation (Economic Development Areas), welcomed the participants introducing the speakers and the objectives of the meeting.

Starting with a presentation on the European perspective, AREPO policy officerGiulia Scaglioni, presented the main issues and news from Brussels regarding Geographical Indications. Then the focus moved on market perspective for GIs at the national and regional level through the detailed presentations of Denis PantiniDirector of the Agriculture and Food Industry area at Nomisma and Head of the Wine Monitor project, and Renzo Rossetto, from Veneto Agriculture. Finally, Emanuela Corradinimarketing consultant at “Oficina d’impresa”, concluded the meeting with an analysis of the possible synergies between GIs and tourism from the marketing perspective.

For more information, consult the website of Veneto Agricoltura.

Click here to consult the programme

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