20 April 2020 Actualités

Facing Covid-19: the measures taken by Veneto Region

Veneto Region has approved a series of measures to adapt to the emergency situation caused by Covid-19, concerning in particular the management and implementation of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

Extension of Rural Development Programme Calls for Proposals

The Regional Council has extended the deadlines of the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme calls, approved in December 2019, for a total value of about 91 million euros.

The deadlines mainly concern Vocational Training Actions, Information and promotion on quality schemes for agricultural products and food, the establishment of young farmers, investments to improve the performance and sustainability of the farm and the creation and development of diversification of agricultural enterprises.

Restrictions on the movement of persons and a ban on in-presence training activities have prevented the implementation of the operations financed by the 2014-2020 RDP and delayed their completion as well as the submission of applications for payment of the aid balance within the deadlines set by the relevant RDP calls. For this reason, for operations in progress, the force majeure rule and a general extension of six months were applied to the beneficiaries of the RDP calls for proposals who, due to extraordinary conditions, could not meet the set deadlines. Similarly, a six-month extension was also applied to the projects of the Operational Groups.

Further information: PSR Veneto: provvedimenti di adeguamento per l’emergenza Covid-19 (23 march 2020) (IT)

Unlock of payment applications

The Managing Authority of the Veneto RDP unblocked payment applications for € 23.7 million relating to over 300 interventions financed by the Rural Development Programme. Due to the current emergency situation, it has been decided to suspend visits as part of the administrative checks to which the payment applications are submitted. Applications for advance payment will proceed with the payment of the aid once the documentary administrative checks have been completed, while the on-the-spot visit will be carried out as part of the subsequent application for payment of the balance. In the case of the latter, however, payment may be made without on-the-spot visit, which will be carried out at a later date, including the operation in the sample of ex post checks already provided for in the programme.

Further information: PSR 2014-2020 Veneto: l’autorità di gestione sblocca pagamenti per 23,7 milioni di euro (10 april 2020) (IT)

Distance learning for RDP-funded courses

The distance learning mode has been foreseen for the training courses still open or linked to the latest training projects of RDP 2014-2020. This decision includes the courses aimed at agricultural entrepreneurs and new young farmers, the courses proposed by the Operational Groups and the training courses carried out by Veneto Agricoltura for the consultants on Rural Development Programmes.

Further information: Formazione a distanza in agricoltura: i corsi PSR on-line (14 april 2020) (IT)

Platform “IncontraLavoro Agricoltura”

In order to find seasonal labour in agriculture, the platform "IncontraLavoro Agricoltura" was created. This tool, open to businesses and unemployed people, students and retired people, will work by matching supply and demand of labour for fields, greenhouses and farms. IncontraLavoro Agricoltura will be managed by Veneto Lavoro, which will also take care of the pre-selection of candidates, as well as ensuring compliance with contractual regulations and safety requirements for workers, the minimum training required and the availability of transport services to reach the work sites. Veneto Lavoro will count on the intermediation services of 39 Employment Centres.

Further information: Nasce IncontraLavoro Agricoltura, piattaforma di incrocio domanda-offerta per stagionali (17 april 2020) (IT)

Farmhouses: home delivery of products

Farmhouses in the region have been authorised to carry out temporary home delivery of groceries and/or ready-to-eat meals.

Further information: Agriturismi: consegna a domicilio dei prodotti. Anche trasformati e pronti per il consumo (1 april 2020) (IT)