11 April 2012 Actualités

AREPO’s intervention in the high-level debate on the promotion of agricultural and food products organized by Qualivita, in partnership with AREPO

On 11 April Qualivita, in partnership with AREPO, organized a debate on the European policy for the promotion of food products. AREPO presented its position with regards to this policy, including the need to develop a comprehensive approach able to generate synergies between the CAP, the Quality Package and the Promotion Policy in order to promote the products that are certified by a sign of quality. The debate was attended by representatives of important institutions and associations in Europe, such as the INAO, the Association of Bavarian quality products, the FedeLIS, the AICIG and the AFIG, as well as industry representatives specialized in this communications sector, such as Sopexa. A second roundtable was animated by top representatives of the European Commission and Parliament, in particular by Mr Erhart, Head of Unit in charge of the European policy for quality products and the MEPs Giancarlo Scottà, Herbert Dorfmann, Michel Dantin and Mairead Mc Guinness. The President of the COMAGRI, Paolo De Castro, closed the debate by emphasizing the importance of an appropriate promotion policy for quality products.