10 September 2013 Actualités

Ciolos thanks Rabboni for the AREPO contribution to the discussion about “mountain products”

The EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Dacian Cioloş, has declared in a statement that the European Commission will take into account the elements of analysis and proposals made by the President of AREPO (Association of European Regions for Products of Origin), Tiberio Rabboni, in the draft of the delegated act on “Mountain Products”. Cioloş is grateful for the contribution made by AREPO that demands for greater flexibility for certain processing stages that are difficult to realize in the mountain areas, such as the slaughter or other similar stages. The flexibility demands are justified by the high investment costs presented by certain processing facilities, which require to be localized in plain or in the proximity of urban areas to process adequate volumes of product. Rabboni expresses the hope that these requests will be actually granted because they are fundamental to guarantee the applicability of the optional quality term “mountain product” in the most deprived mountain agricultural areas lacking in infrastructure.