12 May 2014 Actualités

SYAL Module on Territorial anchorage in agrifood systems

The European Research Group SYAL (Systèmes Agroalimentaires Localisés) and the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Florence organized an intensive Module on “Territorial Anchorage in Agrifood Systems” in Florence on the 8th and 9th May 2014.

Created in January 2008 to promote research on localized Agrifood Systems at the European level, the SYAL European Research Group is based on the cooperation between thirty institutions of eight European Countries. The Local Agrifood Systems (LAS) approach aims at understanding the dynamics of territorialisation, focusing on the link between the territory and agro-food activities. One of the main SYAL research objects is the qualification process for local products, like territorially based products and origin based products (GIs).

The Module offered different perspectives on the theme of the identification of the links to the territory and their evolution and on the issues connected to the activation of resources and relations with markets. Experts from research institutes and universities from all over Europe made short presentation for a hundred of students of MSc (Masters) of the School of Economics and Management, University of Florence, and participated in the discussion.

For more information on the SYAL: http://syal.agropolis.fr/