5 March 2015 Actualités

The Presidents of AREPO and AREFLH will welcome Commissioner Hogan

The President of AREPO, Vincent Labarthe, Vice-President in charge of agriculture of the Regional Council of Midi-Pyrénées, and the President of AREFLH, Josep Maria Peligri i Aixut, Minister of Agriculture of Catalonia, will have the pleasure of hosting the Commissioner for agriculture Phil Hogan at the conference that they are jointly organizing on March 25 at the headquarters of the regions Hessen – Aquitaine – Emilia Romagna. Commissioner Hogan will close the conference together with the MEP Eric Andrieu, First Vice-President of the Comagri in the European Parliament. They will open the sampling of regional quality products, fruit and vegetables from AREPO and AREFLH member regions.

The MEPs Herbert Dorfmann, President of the Intergroup on wine, spirits and quality foodstuffs, and Paolo De Castro, will also participate together with the Director of multilateral relations and quality policy of DG Agri, Diego Canga Fano. The conference will be focused on the following issues: promotion policy, market access and innovation.

400 people are expected. Participation in this event is by invitation only – the registration is required: Giulia Scaglioni policyofficer@arepoquality.eu and Laurent Gomez secgen@arepoqulity.eu

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