20 July 2016 Actualités

AREPO to participate in DG GROW workshop on GIs for non-agricultural products

On October 12th, 2016, AREPO will participate as one of the main speaker in the workshop “Contribution of non-agricultural geographically-rooted products to regional inclusive economic development” organized by the DG GROW in occasion of the European Week of the Regions and Cities in Brussels. The workshop will take place from 11h15 to 13h00.

Chair/moderator: Mr. Slawomir Tokarski (Commission, Director, DG GROW)


  • Mr. Vincent Labarthe (Vice-President of the Midi-Pyrénées-Languedoc-Roussillon Region, France; President of AREPO);
  • Mr. Davide Servadei (National President of the Craft Artist Sector for Confartigianato, Italy);
  • Ms. Kathleen Walker-Shaw (Member of the EESC);
  • Mr. Patrick Bernard-Brunet (Commission, DG REGIO).

The workshop will explore the contribution of non-agricultural geographically-rooted products using “geographical indications” to regional inclusive economic development: e.g.

  • (a) creation of small-scale businesses;
  • (b) helping the integration of women and youth into the labour market;
  • (c) maintaining jobs in remote and less-favoured areas;
  • (d) effects on related activities (tourism, creative industries, etc.);
  • (e) promoting regional identify/self-esteem and preserving cultural heritage, local traditions and know-how.

It will also review how EU Cohesion policy can support activities related to such geographically-rooted products.

Registration for the workshop is open at the following website.

DG GROW would like to able to provide information on case studies that could illustrate how non-agricultural geographically-rooted products using “geographical indications” contribute to regional inclusive economic development.

For this reason, DG GROW prepared a standard case study fiche to be filled-in with relevant information (see attachment below). If you want to share relevant information regarding one or more case study that you know of, you can download the case study fiche, fill it and return it to the following email: secgen@arepoquality.eu and Grow-F5@ec.europa.eu