8 November 2016 Actualités

AREPO is launching a survey on RDP measure 16.01 on operational groups

As announced during AREPO’s last plenary meeting, we launched a survey, in collaboration with the network of European Regions for Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ERIAFF), which aims at collecting information concerning operational groups.

The objective of the consultation is to collect information from European regions on different aspects of the implementation of RDP’s measure on operational groups. A particular attention is payed to operational groups dealing with Geographical Indications and quality products.

How to submit your contribution?

Please take part in the survey by completing the online questionnaire before November 28th 2016.

You can preview/print a PDF version of the online questionnaire (available in ENFRESIT) to help you preparing your reply.

The results of the consultation will feed AREPO study on the implementation of RDP measure 16.01 on operational groups, and will be shared and published on AREPO website in form of an inventory of good practices.

In case of any technical issues of for more information, do not hesitate to contact:

Giulia Scaglioni, Policy Officer: policyofficer@arepoquality.eu