24 October 2012 Actualités

AREPO’s General Assembly: Rabboni: “Satisfied with the results obtained”

The Regional Minister of Agriculture of Emilia-Romagna, Tiberio Rabboni, closed this afternoon the proceedings of the annual plenary meeting of AREPO (Association of European Regions for Products of Origin), which he presides.

Rabboni said he was satisfied with the results achieved so far in the European Union for the enhancement of quality productions: “This is an achievement that was made possible thanks to our initiatives and to a constant commitment that has resulted in the acceptance, within the Quality Package, of the proposals on fighting the counterfeiting and falsification of products with a protected designation of origin. Within the Milk Package, we acted so that the consortia are given the possibility to adjust the production volumes of cheeses such as Parmigiano-Reggiano and Grana Padano “.

On the eve of the final phase of the debate on the CAP, for Rabboni it is now “necessary to intensify this proactive approach, trying to reach other important objectives and to raise awareness on the instances of certified products in Europe.”

“In particular – the minister said – we ask that in the distribution of resources among the 27 member states, Brussels takes into account not only the surface of the cultivated area, but also the value of quality products made. We also propose to extend to all PDO and PGI consortia, not just to those of cheese, the possibility of managing production volumes (this is the case, for example, for the Prosciutto di Parma). Finally, we hope that specific funds to support these productions in future rural development programs will be made available. “